

Djazagro 2025-jinan arrow invites you to exhibit

Publish Time: 2025-03-22     Origin: Djazagro

Jinan Arrow looks forward to seeing you for the edition from 7 to 10 April 2025.

  • What is Djazagro?

he leading tradeshow in North Africa, Djazagro is an unmissable event with an exhaustive international offering in 6 sectors of activities: processing, filling & packaging, bakery - pastry, food products & beverages, ingredients & flavourings, hospitality & food service and hygiene.--https://www.djazagro.com/en/trade-show/presentation

  • Who exhibits at Djazagro?

The show’s exhibitors, all exclusively manufacturers, offer an exhaustive range split into eight sectors of activity representative of the food industry:

  1. Bakery & pastry

  2. Conditioning & packaging

  3. Handling & storage

  4. Hospitality & catering

  5. Food processing

  6. Food products & beverages

  7. Raw materials, ingredients, and additives

  8. Services

Our showroom is located at, MACHINES AND EQUIPMENTS FOR FOOD PROCESS:CT B 170.

  • Why visit our booth?

We will introduce you the latest extruded food production equipment and production line solutions at Djazagro. We have 30+ years of industry experience, serving 4500+ customers, and are the leading extruded food production equipment manufacturer in China.

Exhibition information:

Exhibition name: DJAZAGRO 2025

Date: From 7 to 10 April 2025

Booth number: CTRAL B 171

Venue: Palais Expositions d´Algiers, Safex, Algiers (Algeria)